The anus, specifically the brown eye. Often used as an insult. UK English.
"Fred is a bit of a ringpiece."
"Lick my ringpiece."
by Frank November 23, 2002
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Last night I had a curry for me tea, and this morning, me ringpiece was like a Caribbean sunset.
by Julie October 24, 2003
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The exit from the anus, a small brown hole
"This evening, Carla, I will penetrate your ringpiece"

"if you continue pointing that camera in my direction I swear I will shove up your ringpiece"
by Stevie October 16, 2003
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Bum-hole, Arse-hole, sphincter, brown eye, rusty sheriffs badge, chocolate starfish, Arris, Gary Glitter, Anus, rectum etc
After that harsh curry last night, my ringpiece became an outlet for a torrent of aromatic abuse.
by Wise Man November 20, 2003
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sphincter, aresehole, asshole
my ringpiece is chaffing, i have a chapped ringpiece
by dean knowles August 16, 2003
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My ringpiece is sore after that curry last night
by Robert Shear September 2, 2003
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