A middle aged woman who acts as if she is a princess and still functions at a pre adolescent level.

Often characterized by excessive makeup, permed hair, and lots of bling (especially wearing diamond studded clothing)
"She's such a Tantard buying second hand electrolysis hair removal equipment on eBay and testing it on clients based on Google instructions."
by You ain't is effed-up as us November 8, 2018
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a person who is incapable of getting a tan. they tan, burn, peel, repeat.
i can never get tan!", "that's because you are a tantard mary
by kfell May 5, 2011
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a tantard is a 'special' girl who is retarded and extremley clumsey. tends to drop things, forgets simple things such as a pair of gloves, but is also a very lovable creature and tends to make people laugh with her tantardedness.
1)simple retarded things such as forgetting her gloves on a freezing cold day and has to waste presious time going home for them

2)clumseyness, often tends to drop hot chocolate either over herself or all over a train station floor.
by spaztard December 29, 2007
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