4 definitions by ytsspecter

a name that 9 year old's use when they see or get killed by a player because there just bad
bro there's a sweaty try hard in my house help.

bro that guys such a sweaty try hard (breaks controller)

I would have killed him man he's such a sweaty try hard
by ytsspecter May 7, 2019
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a ancient language that has been used for thousands of years there is only one biological person that's related to the founder of ligma language and his name is ninja
prime examples of ligma language

the fuck you say to me you little shit
take a dick and suck it
rahhhh rahhh you shut up when i'm talking to you
you kiss your mother with that mouth
by ytsspecter May 9, 2019
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a girl who constanly breaks up with people
bryan we need to break up
but why kara
by ytsspecter August 8, 2019
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a day where you can have sex with a guy without saying no homo
dude1 hey happy national fuck day. dude2 did you bring the condoms
by ytsspecter May 7, 2019
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