1 definition by yiKES!1one

A year of regret, tears, no sleep, late nights filled with nightmares of Lyndon B. Johnson, migraines, procrastination, excessive notecards, useless annotations, mental breakdowns, falling GPAs, learning about American assholes, slowly watching your sanity disappear, questioning if Hamilton was president, lack of a social life, overthinking every single test question, calculating how many questions you can get wrong to avoid tedious review questions, and the approaching AP exam consisting of 55 multiple choice questions, 1 long essay, 4 short answers, and to top off this cruel and unusual punishment, the dreaded DBQ is the poisonous cherry on top. Basically the definition of the worst year of your life. Just hope that your teacher kirvs your grade at the end.
"Hey what are you doing today?" "Not much just apush-ing myself off a cliff. You?"
by yiKES!1one December 4, 2016
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