8 definitions by yeahthisisanaccount

A type of gay man with the outside exterior burliness and masculinity(a bear) but personality wise is very cuddly, warm, dramatic, and effeminate. (a twink)
At first I was a bit turned off by the concept of the homosexuals in San Francisco's Castro District, being that I'm not the attracted to bears,(nothing against bear's just not my cup of tea) only to find out that most of them are incredibly polite twears who I got along with quite well.
by yeahthisisanaccount September 15, 2020
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An individual who completely unironically likes and quotes Joker posts.
I decided to avoid them for the most part after they commented "Real life will drive anyone mad." on a unironic Joker post reading "Maybe those titled insane are just more awake and aware to the outside world than the rest of us." because it made me realize that they were a Joker Quoter.
by yeahthisisanaccount September 15, 2020
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A verb that describes a debate and/or argument with a person who masks their faulty logic by talking fast and using large words.
Arguing with Nazis and those like them is rather awful, for the reasoning is not only Kafkaesque, but Shapiroesque.
by yeahthisisanaccount September 15, 2020
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A term coined by popular YouTube content creator Vaush meaning a political conspiracy that is incredibly ludicrous and unverifiable that the supposed flood of "evidence proving the conspiracy correct" consists of totally ordinary and mundane videos, images, or media that does nothing to prove the conspiracy correct.
Vaush (while looking at multiple Twitter posts of a completely average voting area from popular YouTube creator Steven Crowder): "What are they talking about? This is floorgate, people, it's floorgate.
by yeahthisisanaccount November 5, 2020
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An individual who you know next to nothing about but you frequently text them only to be supplied jokes, gaffs, memes, and other comedy related media.
I realized I hadn't ever had a real conversation with Jeremy, my jest dealer, but that I had only been turning to texting him to be shown an array of jokes that we could mutually appreciate
by yeahthisisanaccount September 15, 2020
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A singular sneeze of such shock and/or magnitude that you completely and instantly forgot your situation, your location, and all thoughts and/or conversations that took place before the sneeze.
While I was in the middle of a job interview, I experienced one of the worst kerfufflesnufalufagus moments that I have ever had, making me to forget all the material I had prepared before the interview, which, in turn, caused made me not get the job.
by yeahthisisanaccount September 15, 2020
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When someone confidently admits to awkward or cringe habit while knowing that its awkward and cringe
Charlie admitted to still using sippy cups simply because he preferred them to average cups, and while it was a strange thing to admit, no one really criticized him on it due to the brashward manner he said it in
by yeahthisisanaccount September 15, 2020
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