66 definitions by xzybit

PC term for refugee. Until the Katrina disaster, that word didn't even exist, but thanks to Jessie "hep me lawd" Jackson and Al "where's my comb" Sharpton, its now a new word in our vocabulary.
Joe: I hope those refugees don't come in my neighborhood.
Matt: We're supposed to call them evacuees.
Joe: Oh my bad.
by xzybit October 27, 2005
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Whenever a woman commits 100 percent of her time to her job and career and doesn't make time for a significant other, she basically has a "jobsband". Common with childless females with multiple degrees on the wall, a good paying job that she works 90+ hours a week and no spouse to share her life woth.
I don't need NO man, I got a Jobsband.
by xzybit December 4, 2017
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Attiude displayed by many underclass Black folks when things don't go their way, akin to acting Ghetto.
Shewa-wa and Nakia displayed much Niggertude when the cashier asked for ID to cash their welfare check in.
by xzybit July 14, 2004
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Designated ugly fat friend. The girl (or guy) in a circle of friends who is usually the least attractive in the group. Usually the one who provided the ride, designated friver or paid cover charge for the others.
by xzybit November 29, 2005
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Describes an activity that although it takes up a great deal of time to complete, it's an enjoyable experience nonetheless, like oral sex when the girl is not in a hurry to finish.
When my old girl started to give me head, I was on a slow boat to china.
by xzybit January 3, 2006
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A convenience store (7-11, Circle K, etc) usually located in the ghetto or other bad neighborhood, prone to being robbed a few times a week.
Charlie 16 to dispatch, we are currently 10-8 at thr Stop and Rob on the corner of 125th and MLK.
by xzybit October 21, 2004
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Keyshawn, lemme hold a pack of Nahlaters and I will get back at you tomorrow.
by xzybit July 12, 2004
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