42 definitions by wiseman

A fuel blend for automobiles that is 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline. Becoming more and more popular as a way to reduce the USA's dependence on foreign oil.
Jake's new car had a fuel flexible engine so he pulled into the new service station and filled up with E85.
by wiseman July 10, 2006
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Human Resources. A non-value added component of many large companies. Human resources is a worthless division in a company that often has power beyond its members' level of intelligence. Human resources generally spends most of its time justifying its existence.
I can't believe those assholes in HR fucked me over again! I should have gotten a promotion by now and they sabatoged my chances by putting a bunch of BS in my file.
by wiseman July 11, 2006
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Volatile Organic Compound. Often emitted as gases from solid or liquid compounds, VOC's can come from a variety of sources suchs as paints, cleaning supplies, or certain manufacturing processes.
Bill and Ted didn't realize they could get cancer from the VOC's in the glue they were sniffing.
by wiseman July 11, 2006
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Anything that is so obviously gay it has to be called out.
Dude, I can't believe you like the Backstreet Boys. That is blatantly homosexual!
by wiseman July 25, 2006
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A pompous, self congratulating asshole whose only interest in life is to make himself look good at the expense of others.
I hate working with our maintenance manager, Denny. What a Perak!
by wiseman July 11, 2006
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The act of vomiting.
Dude, I had waaay to much beer. I think I'm going to ralph chunks.
by wiseman June 27, 2006
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High Fructose Corn Syrup - a sugar substitute often used in soft drinks, candy bars, and other sweetened food products.
One of the ingredients in Dave's cola was HFCS.
by wiseman July 10, 2006
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