5 definitions by whimzcal

When someone uses sweet, shiny, baby eyes and an innocent, childlike smile while trying to talk you into something that they know you don't think is a good idea.
Please don't snurgle me any more; I said I do not want to. Your snurgling won't work this time.
by whimzcal March 28, 2020
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One of the many people who managed to stay healthy through the early years of the COVID-19 pandemic until the highly contagious omicron variant slammed the world.
The plural for a group of those people is omicronies
You are my OMICRONY because in spite of our sensible caution and masked consideration for others, we both caught the omicron variant from unknown sources. Because we are double vaccinated and boostered it is vastly less likely for our symptoms to be fatal. After we recover and are non-contagious we should have a party with some of our fellow OMICRONIES
by whimzcal February 11, 2022
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A person who poorly applies too much self tanner and because they are a legend in their own mind thinks that everyone views them as a robust, athletic type.
Did you see orange foolius out fleecing money that's not his and pretending he doesn't cheat at golf ?
by whimzcal March 25, 2020
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The tiny, shuffling, barely off the ground steps old people use to maintain balance and minimize effort when they walk. Also used by women in long, narrow, tight skirts or dresses without a kick pleat or leg slit in them.
It's OK grandma just scoogieboogie your feet, we'll get there in plenty of time.
by whimzcal March 27, 2020
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A boastful braggart whose self serving grift and conflicting lies are obvious to some people and yet others want to believe the con so badly or fear the con artist so much that they ignore, even dispute, the observable facts.
The wizard of gauze announced again today how lucky we are to benefit from his many listed achievements and how well he has handled the current disaster which surprised everyone and for which he is not responsible.
by whimzcal March 26, 2020
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