2 definitions by what is next

Freeism is an economic and political system that incentivizes production and distribution through algorithms. Those who produce and freely distribute the most valuable goods to others are the wealthiest. Power is decentralized across all voluntary participants, rather than controlled by private capital or socialist governments.
Freeism is free peoples, free products, for a flourishing planet.
by what is next May 28, 2018
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Lesbianarchy is the polar opposite of Patriarchy. It is political doctrine of egalitarian decision-making shared amongst bisexual or lesbian females that determines the social or cultural values and rules of a community or country.

There is clear consensus amongst scholars regarding the historical definition of Lesbianarchy. However, in the early 2000s a modern definition was formed that contests that the etymological root is the COMBINATION of "Lesbian" and "Anarchy" to form "Lesbianarchy".

An alternative definition of Lesbianarchy is a voluntaryist stateless society in post-war or post-climatic environment (or any setting where the has been significant male loss, such that men make up less than 39% of the population) that is predominantly made up of loosely interconnected communal scavengers.

In this context, lesbianism is not expressed as an identity, but as a pragmatic partnering choice due to the limitations in sexual selection. A family unit is generally constructed of a 3 female triumvirate or "parents" that lead or direct (what is often) an orphanage of children.
"Don't you know that Bonobos in the DRC are a type of lesbianarchy?"

"If the economy collapses or WWIII happens, I certainly hope we don't go all Mad Max, I'd rather be in a Lesbianarchy."
by what is next March 22, 2023
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