17 definitions by weathrguy

as played in Malcolm in the Middle episode dinner out in season 2, it's a game where you have to avoid looking down and seeing someone with his/her hand in a circle below their waste. The opponent tries to trick you by saying something like "look a dollar" or is that your wallet down there" etc. If you do look at the hand formation of a circle, the person that tricked you gets to hit you in the arm as hard as he/she could.
wanna play the circle game? no ive had enough pain today after getting my ass whooped by some jock
by weathrguy November 7, 2010
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pretending to suck at a skill in order to bet others into what you "suck" at when really you do good at the skill and trick the person out of their money
oh man im not good at cricket

ill bet you cant beat me ill put $40 on it

hey your good at this you just hustled me
by weathrguy April 27, 2011
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terror network responsible for wtc bombing, us embassy bombing in kenya and tanzania, 9-11
jake:ey ned ned: yea? jake: ever heard of al- quaeda ned: yea those damn muslim extremists fought back against us
by weathrguy May 23, 2010
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left over food thats not eaten(mostly associated with natures classroom)
"Finish your meal I dont want any ort in the trash".
by weathrguy April 25, 2010
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A Geographical area in Central and part of southern Asia where the countries end in stan such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan
wachu doin this spring break?

vacationing in the stans
by weathrguy August 27, 2011
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skin color commonly associated and used when speaking about native americans
by weathrguy December 26, 2011
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