12 definitions by warrobotsalt

A tool used for farming, however beware the misinterperetation that could ensue should you use this out of very specific context.
Some guy: Hey, let’s craft a hoe!
Other guy: WTF you be saying?
Some guy: Sigh...
by warrobotsalt February 23, 2018
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Minecrafting is the act of presently playing Minecraft. Usually this involves useless singleplayer playing or playing on a server called Mineplex. It also has a tendency to induce video game addiction.

The 9-year old armies from PewDiePie and TSeries alike can usually be caught doing this when friends aren't around.
Hey, want to continue our rad Minecrafting from yesterday?
by warrobotsalt February 3, 2019
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When you’re bored to death and type qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, but then realize you are still bored and have been driven to the point of insanity— but you mess up while typing mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq in a brilliantly tragic way, inventing the backwards qwerty!
A guy: Hey man, I’m super bored.
Still the same guy: I know, right?
STILL the same guy, talking to themselves: I think it’s time to search qwerty
Again, the same guy: We did that yesterday.
Still talking to themselves: Let’s search mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq
*searches mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq*
A guy: Oops, I hit enter by accident. Well, seems like I invented something here...
by warrobotsalt July 22, 2019
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A guy or girl who loves to correct petty things. See also: Grammar Nazi
Also a cool insult to use for those who justifiably do not know what this means.
Some guy: Hey man!
Some man: Why's your shoe untied?
Some guy: *looks down* Ha, you got me.
Some man: No, seriously. It's not tied 'cause it's tied the wrong direction!
Some guy: *hard facepalm* Captious idiot...

Some man: Also that other guy who made a definition for this is wrong
by warrobotsalt February 3, 2019
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Short definiton:

A 2D side-scroller game that came before Minecraft and yet is often seen as a rip-off of it. It has a bunch of different enemies to hack to bits, so there's that.
Some man: Dude there's a new Terraria update with like a bagillion new enemies!
Dude: *To Some Man, Some Dude, and Some Guy* and Let's get this bread, squad.
by warrobotsalt February 3, 2019
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When you accidentally misspell deadass and it creates quite the confusion confusion
This man: Dude this guy needs some milk, headass.
That guy: Dude, wtf 😂
by warrobotsalt August 10, 2019
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If your friend dared you to look up porn but you're a complete smrtass, you're probably here.
Dave: I dare you to look up porn!
Smartass: Done.
by warrobotsalt February 3, 2019
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