42 definitions by w00fdawg

The feeling of horror which occurs when staff and patients in a hospital ward realise there are not enough bed pans to go around, and several bedbound patients in urgent need to urinate or defecate.
There was a bed panic in the ward last night, followed by a lot of extra laundry!
by w00fdawg September 26, 2005
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More than one alcoholic drink. Plural of bevy. Word used throughout the UK, but originally more common in the North/Scotland.
I'm going down the boozer tonight to meet my mates and sink a few bevvies!
by w00fdawg September 30, 2005
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Creamy white stuff that squirts from a penis at the point of ejaculation. Occasionally used as a salad dressing.
"Hey, Uncle Alex, how come your salad tastes so salty?"
"Must be the addition of my manyonnaise, lil Woofie girl ........."
by w00fdawg August 30, 2005
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A cuppa tea and a ciggy.
No matter how many bevvies she had consumed the night before, Cilla always made sure she got out of bed to prepare her children a full Liverpool breakfast.
by w00fdawg September 30, 2005
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1. An awkward great hulk of a person, usually in your crowdway.

2. A large, hulking clumsy person.

Used fairly commonly in South Wales.
I was trying to get to the bar but this great ollop was in my way.

Move your legs, I'm trying to vacuum the carpet, you great ollop!
by w00fdawg August 13, 2005
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Acronym for a crusty wank sock, a sock used to fit over the penis during masturbation, thus avoiding wet spots. Inevitably these socks become somewhat crusty frequent use.
"This cws is getting a little too crusty, must remember to wash the darn thing!"
by w00fdawg August 13, 2005
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Turned or twisted toward one side. Common usage in the UK.
William Shatner's toupe was less than convincing as it was frequently skew-whiff.
by w00fdawg November 7, 2005
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