2 definitions by void0

Definition of Bitch Made

1. When someone is brought up weak or as a pussy.

"No cap cuz dat nigga Dequan glowin up wit out no father, ain't nuffin masscullin about bein reared by a bitch yo."

2. When inferior ideologies and ideals are brainwashed into you.

"Jane attended a prestigious university for four years, ultimately getting a major in gender studies and a minor in dance therapy."

3. When chemicals have lowered your testosterone.

"Trysten frequently exposes his body to xenoestrogenic/PFAS chemicals and regularly consumes plant-based protein with extremely high estrogen content."

4. When the zeitgeist of an era is focused around being weak.

"Simon was born in 2005, he had no idea what horrors awaited him in the near future. He now believes everything is racist and is on a rigorous hormone therapy. He plans on completely transitioning in two years. Brave."

"Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times."
No cap cuz Dequan glowin up wit out no father, ain't nuffin masscullin about bein reared by a bitch yo. Dat nigga bitch made.
by void0 October 12, 2021
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Definition of Bug Sports

1. When you actively hunt and exterminate alphabet boys (CIA, FBI, DEA, IRS, ATF).

2. The practice of intentionally pursuing the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection through homosexual activity.
1. As the late and great Terry Davis detailed, "On 9/9/1999, I killed a CIA nigger on purpose with my car. God loves bug sports and so do I!"

2. "In Sam Hydes mini-series dubbed Bug Sports, Sam expresses the ways in which an individual can and should pursue the art of bugcatching (or more commonly referred to as bug sports) through the practice of self-love and power."

by void0 March 5, 2022
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