19 definitions by vitoman123

a person who sexually assaults' or rapes a specific ethnic group. racist + rapist = rapesist
and the criminal was brought to justice, on 14 accounts of rapestist, or rapesistism
by vitoman123 November 25, 2020
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when you want to swear online, but either your mom is behind you, or there is no swearing on the server
"fcuk!" said one of the players as joe shot him
by vitoman123 November 25, 2020
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the moment somebody completely roasts you, and your super shamed. you know its over, so you sit there and say "in addition to that" or just ramble incoherintly
after being accused of watch porn, joe gave his biden face
by vitoman123 November 25, 2020
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a machine that reads out the sonic frequency of your fart, the intensity of the smell, and the length of how long it stays in the air. it estimates and draws who the fart belongs to. many detectives use this devise for solving crime.
and everyone in the room suddenly looked at tommy, who had his face on the fart-o-meter screen! they now knew who let out the fart that killed old man Jones
by vitoman123 November 25, 2020
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a handsome amazing bear. has a ass-kicking smile, and doesn't put up with bull-shit
karen: saves a chiled before it falls off a cliff. you: wow, she is a total trumpy- bear

oscar: destroys a whole army of evil farts! kiera: i love that trumpy-bear man!!
by vitoman123 November 24, 2020
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a handsome amazing bear. has a ass-kicking smile, and doesn't put up with bull-shit
karen: saves a chiled before it falls off a cliff. you: wow, she is a total trumpy- bear

oscar: destroys a whole army of evil farts! kiera: i love that trumpy-bear man!!
by vitoman123 November 24, 2020
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