4 definitions by virgin916

A powerful, slow computer programming language that strangles other programming languages by virtue of it's ease of use and shallow learning curve. Computers understand it about as well as most people understand assembly language and only manage to execute it about 10x slower than assembly language or 4x slower than Java.
It's 2069 and Microsoft is proud to announce the launch of Windows 20, the first and only groundbreaking operating system written entirely in Python. Minimum system requirements: 1TB of ram and 20GHZ CPU, 2TB and 30GHZ recommended.
by virgin916 July 23, 2019
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Sarcastic form of useful. Synonym of useless.
My phone was slow and I saw an ad for a phone cleaner with glowing, 5-star reviews. I now have ads popping up all over. What a usefull app.
by virgin916 May 20, 2021
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A ski route where failing to make a turn will send you down a much harder one
Guy 1: Be careful if you go down that route, it's quite the sugondese diamond.
Guy 2: Sugondese diamond? I don't see no diamonds.
Guy 1: If you miss the third turn you'll go down a double black and have to sugondese feeding tubes.
by virgin916 August 3, 2022
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A "high-impact polymer", made exclusively in China, that is often used in locks. The weakest kind of Chinesium
I broke that plastoloy lock off with one tap from a small hammer.
by virgin916 April 23, 2019
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