3 definitions by urban knowledge

When someone attempts to compensate for their inadequate/small penis size.
"Look at that guy's huge pick up truck!"
"Yeah, he's obviously trying to compenisate."
by urban knowledge August 28, 2012
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One person uses tricks or cons by twisting words and prases to get what they want from another person, but the second person identifes the words as a trick or con, understands the deception and tells them they have been caught.
His words used to get the girl were really very soft but she still refused only saying "Game recognize Game".
by urban knowledge May 6, 2007
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When you sit on the toilet to take a shit, a little nugget gets forced out splashing the water below similar to a football being spiked in the endzone.
Dude, I had a nice football spike in the toilet today. My cheeks are so wet.
by urban knowledge January 11, 2017
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