1 definition by undercover cool kid

A new up and coming artist from Texas that you should definitely listen to!!

His songs are blanketed in layers of synthesizers, steady pulsing percussion, and the memories of growing up in the early 90's, PHANGS (Jake Germany) stirs up familiarity and innovation under the umbrella of honesty.

His drummer Tom Szoch is also pretty cool :)
Person 1: “Hey, do you have any new artists I should check out?”
Person 2: “Yes! You HAVE to listen to this guy PHANGS! He makes the coolest sounding music but also makes me feel literally every emotion all at once. I would recommend his songs, Always Been U (ft. RLUMR), I Forgot You, Good Now, Used, and Dry Eyes (ft. Truitt).”
by undercover cool kid July 15, 2019
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