9 definitions by umbepo

A non-believer, usually coming from someone of a certain religion, directed to a person that does not believe in that religion.
A kid I know is such a devout Mormon he calls non-Mormon's heathens.
by umbepo July 14, 2005
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Short for mermaphrodite. A gender which is hermaphrodite (a being with dual sex organs.) A merm has a functioning male sex organ, while the female does not. Very rarely do both work, and very rarely do neither work. The opposite of a merm is a ferm. Mermaphrodites, Fermaphrodites and Hermaphrodites are always born that way, never surgically altered, so they are not considered transexual.
She was born a mermaphrodite, but never told any of his friends.
by umbepo July 14, 2005
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