78 definitions by udusers1

USA: A funicular, a combination between an elevator and a railway.
Europe: A rail-borne bus, known in the USA as a streetcar.
USA: Take the tram up the mountain to get to the top of the hill.
Europe: Take the tram from Main Street to the Town Square.
by udusers1 November 23, 2010
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Year of disasters.
Haiti Earthquake, mine accidents, Chile Earthquake, Polish plane crash in Russia, Pakistan floods, more earthquakes, more floods, 2010.
by udusers1 September 14, 2010
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The decade spanning from 2010-2019, though some cultural aspects began as early as 2008. Also currently known as the "10s" or the "twenty-tens".

The 2010s are when social media and smartphones became increasingly powerful and ubiquitous, revolutionizing the layperson's daily life. Social media went from being a fun distraction for some to being part of life and vital for big business, and smartphones went from being expensive niche business tools or novelties to being a powerful commodities with PC-level capacity. Tablets became popular with the iPad's release in 2010 and various other systems later on.

Political events include the Arab Spring & rise of ISIS, Occupy Wall Street, Obama, Trump, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Brexit, Kim Jong-un, the Venezuela crisis, Mugabe's fall and others. LGBT acceptance continued to rise in many places, and various countries legalized gay marriage.

Cultural trends/fads include Gangnam Style, world ending in 2012, Harlem Shake, Doge, Pokemon GO, Fidget Spinners, VR gear, and dabbing. Pop culture had things such as the global rise of dubstep, the Korean Wave reaching the West, the Weinstein Effect and lots of marketing to nostalgia. In many places, paid broadcast TV like cable declined in favor of on-demand streaming like Netflix & sites like YouTube. Free Wifi became increasingly common through the 10s, and in many places now there are hotspots everywhere. Cell phones overtook landline phones in the mid 10s.
The 2010s are the decade when the pound symbol came to be known as the hashtag by the general public.
by udusers1 January 12, 2018
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Americans born during the Generation X and Generation Y (Millennial) overlap, generally 1977-1983. They can either be viewed as tail-end Generation Xers or very early Millennials, but some members prefer to be addressed as neither. Named after The Oregon Trail, an educational computer game fondly remembered by many born during these years. Also known as Xennials or Generation Catalano.
Person 1: "Are you a Millennial or Generation Xer?"
Person born in 1981: I'm part of the Oregon Trail generation.
by udusers1 October 19, 2017
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1. Currently used to denote the decade ranging from 2000-2009. Aka the noughties.

2. What people ignorantly use to call anything present day.
1. Myspace gained popularity in the mid-late 00's.
2. Person 1: "The 90's had the Macarena and Gameboys, and the 00's have Gangnam Style and iPads"
Person 2: "Gangnam Style and iPads didn't come out until the 2010's, silly."
by udusers1 December 12, 2017
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A person below a given legal age limit. Typically the age limit in question is the age of majority (generally 18, but ranges internationally from 15-21), but may also refer to other age limits such as the drinking age and the age of consent.
Sorry, I can't provide alcohol to minors.
by udusers1 April 6, 2017
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Something that will be ruined if you're not vigilant on the internet.
When I was a kid, I loved Shrek.
Then I found 4chan, my childhood is ogre.

When I was a kid, I loved Sonic.
Then I found sexual furries.

When I was a kid, I loved Rugrats.
Then I found Creepypasta.

When I was a kid, I loved My Little Pony.
Then I found cloppers.

Don't worry, I'm sure these non-mematic shows of my childhood will remain safe from the world and....I spoke too soon, rule 34.
by udusers1 September 12, 2014
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