2 definitions by tscullen

The meaning of Tawanna or Tawana has different variations depending on the culture. In Thailand, Tawanna is the name of a huge marketplace, and mall. There are also a number of Tawanna Thai restaurants around the world.
Tawanna in English means "Created"
Tawanna in the Native American culture means "Tan Hide".
Tawana is also a name of Persian origin that means "Able, robust".
Tawana in Zimbabwe means "we have."
Tawana was also a kingdom in Africa in the 1880s that later became Botswana.

Note: Tawanna does not have the same meaning as Towanda or Wanda.
Let's go to Tawanna Thai today!" or "Hello my name is Tawanna!"
by tscullen September 19, 2017
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It's a sarcastic statement. No mother is "just" anything. Motherhood is an important role in life.
by tscullen May 29, 2018
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