1 definition by trustmeyoudontwannaknow

A preppy school full of drugs and rich kids. Even though most kids don't really give a fuck, people here are unique and kinda do their own thing. Lots of cults and groups, and sports aren't the best but we try. It's kinda like when worlds collide, whereas there's the weirdos, insta bloggers, theater kids, sports jocks, and the gays all in one campus. Some kids work till they croak, others do anything they can to get expelled. Teachers have no clue what's going on, they just go on with their day. Oh, and the staff pretend like everything's perfect and spiritual when in reality most kids don't care about Quaker bullshit. The ones who do drink the private school kool-aid.
Other high schooler: wait bro where do you go?
You: George school...
Other high schooler: ahh what? You guys must be spoiled. What kinda school is that?
You: it's fake and we're not perfect like you think private schools are
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