2 definitions by truerotter

"Dumpster Fire" is a way to say that something is extremely fucking dumpster fuel, but it is enjoyable at the same time. It is extremely disliked by many people, but also extremely liked by others.
Hey Laquelium, did you listen to the new Playboi Carti album bro that shits dumpster fire.

Nah bro I didn't listen to that shit it's just dumpster juice that shits ass.
by truerotter May 22, 2019
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"Rotting" is a super advanced form of suffering that only individuals with no positives in their life can experience. Once you become a rotter, you can not go back. Every slight inconvenience can spark rotting in real rotters, which will cause them to spew absurd amounts of bullshit about their lack of success and self-confidence.
Trust me bro I'm rotting. I got curved by 4 girls today and they were a 6 tops.
I just got my dick stuck in my graphics card and I've never rotted so hard in my life.
by truerotter May 22, 2019
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