2 definitions by truepseudonym

Sarcastic title, proudly used by those with Engineering degrees, when others without the degree, claim to be Engineers.
A supervisor introducing the working team to a new member:
"Even though he’s the only one with a real Engineering degree, Jack calls himself a Pseudo-Engineer because others here in the company claim to be Software Engineers but their degrees are from everything from Political Science to Accounting."
by truepseudonym July 10, 2018
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1: A person without an Engineering Degree who claims being an Engineer simply because they work in Engineering tasks.

2: A person who hasn’t gone through the rigors of Engineering School, yet pretends to be an Engineer.
Guy 1: "Yeah, I'm an Engineer."
Guy 2: "Oh cool! My brother's an Engineer. What's your degree on?"
Guy 1: "Well, it's in Graphic Design, but I have a Java certification and write software for a living."
Guy 2: Snickers and thinks to himself "Perfect...another Pseudo-Engineer."
by truepseudonym July 9, 2018
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