3 definitions by tl_tl

Saint Helena School is a small catholic school located in Blue Bell PA that is made up of 99.9% white people. They are worlds nicest people. They either belong to Cedarbrook Country Club or Nor Gwyn Pool Club. They all where uniforms and do not act catholic at all. The boys talk about all the hot girls, the new rap songs, football, hooking up and juul, but odly have good grades. The girls talk about extra credit, Riverdale, field hockey and what answers they got on the SS test, and have amazing grades. The boys think the girls are weird and the girls think the boys are weird but somehow have crushes on each other. The girls roll their skirts because they are to long and the boys take off their winter sweaters because they think the sweaters are weird. On dress down days all the kids where sweatpants and dont give a damn on what they look like. Every kid has a Patagonia coat, a vineyard vine and pre-wrap/halo headbands Everyone at SHS knows people from WISS or UD. Everyone loves Notre Dame, Villinova or Penn State and where so upset when Carson Wentz tore his ACL. There are 4 schools that these kids might go to for high school, Mount, Gwynedd, LaSalle or PREP. The kids here are very hard workers and even the dumbest kids study because they know they need first honers and a scholarship for 20K or higher. The boys play football at recess while the girls gossip in a small circle. These kids have grown to be family and car-pool every week. There really is no other place like SHS.
I would not be where I am without Saint Helena School (SHS)
by tl_tl January 2, 2018
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Nicole is someone who is very awesome. Nicole is gorgeous, witty, intelligent, mysterious, funny, outgoing, sporty, lovable, amazing triumphant, daring, smart, creative and also, tough street-smart, catches all the good friends, has all the good friends. Nothing and nobody could EVER compare Nicole, mess with Nicole and you will regret being born. She's been a queen since day one.
Nicole, meaning a nice, sweet, pretty person.
by tl_tl March 15, 2017
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A social media where ALL teens are. You can find them putting things like them smoking e-cigs/juul, drinking or partying with their friends on their stories. Snapchat is a place where every girl sends her nudes and every guy sends a dick-pic because they know you can only see the pic for a certain amount of time before it is "gone forever" You can see things like HMU, 11:11, LMP/LMR, RATE, SMASH OR PASS, TBH, AMOS etc on peoples stories. Teens have snapchat in an effort to look "cool" when they really look dumb as fuck irl. Teens use so many abreviations while chating (texting) or snapping (sending pics) it is almost like a new language. You have to send a random pic of something as long as you send it, everyday or else you lose your "streak" guys never loose streaks but the girls are always the ones.
Do you want to play a game on snapchat?

Sure but LMR on the gram first bc im almost at 200
nvm lets just srt

One sec I need to do my 11:11 wish on my story.
by tl_tl January 2, 2018
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