4 definitions by tip

the act of making rocks come out of a fat mans eye while on wednesday the 13 of August while on acid with bambi throwing jacks at everyone and I am getting the phone number of a hippie with lung cancer and an excessive amount of testoterone on his face. The Canadians will attack Mexico and declan can do 101 things with a banana and duct tape coming out of his nose. Then i will eat candle wax upside down on the moon with fish all around me and a in flames on my stomach region while my assitants dance to the theme of "I Dream of Jeanne" with a mop and the hair of the Loch Ness Monster
Ryan Elliot is a stupid roxtopographer
by tip October 4, 2004
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When a guys penis is soo small that's it just foreskin there and it spins uncontrollably while he is pissing.
"hey dude you should have seen my piss earlier, it went everywhere in a full circle, I was a fucking attack helicopter"
by tip February 25, 2016
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anyone who preforms the act of stalking someone, but does it in a direct manner
I got that stalkeratzi bitch following me everywhere
by tip March 25, 2005
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1. the sound of orbs falling lightly on the ground

2. small orbs tiptap, while large orbs "bloop"
"the orbs lightly tiptapted onto the ground"
by tip January 7, 2005
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