3 definitions by thicccboy99

When sticking your fist in someone’s anus and wiggling it around violently for pleasure.
This weekend my girl wants me to give her the five knuckle shuffle
by thicccboy99 June 12, 2019
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When your girlfriend is face fucking you and she lets off a mean ass clapper right in your mouth and you swallow the poo particles and you blow your load simultaneously it shoots in her eye and she is diagnosed with an unknown eye disease.
Timmy: Yo Harry
Harry: Wassup
Timmy: My girl gave me a dirty shandi last night
Harry: Your completely fucked
by thicccboy99 June 25, 2021
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When you are severally addicted to beating your meat and you will randomly ditch parties, family gatherings, etc to jerk your sausage. Eventually you will develop a shrunken and limp penis like a small gummy worm.
Dr.Bing Bong: I’m sorry Gary you have developed whackatitis.
Gary: Oh no
by thicccboy99 June 25, 2021
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