2 definitions by thetidesoftime

A shitty British person or something bad of British origin.
"I don't bother watching britshit reality TV."
"My father-in-law is always complaining about immigrants. He's such a britshit."
by thetidesoftime September 16, 2022
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Empty corporate claims. To blatantly lie or self-promote in a dishonest way.

In reference to the supermarket chain Sainsbury’s.
"Sainsbury's is putting customers ahead of profit”.
"Sainsbury's say they are lowering their prices to adjust to the costs of living, but I see they've raised them again."
"So they're doing a Sainsbury then."

"Sainsbury's are saying that they care about the environment, but I saw that their biggest stakeholder is an oil and gas company."
"They're just doing a Sainsbury."
by thetidesoftime September 16, 2022
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