2 definitions by thepressureofpickinganickname

A girl who is very ambitious and incredibly artsy. If she wants something, she works hard for it and doesn't give up until she has reached that goal. She's one of the best students in class and all the teachers love her.

She is a great friend that you can always rely on when you need advice or help or when you simply worry too much. She'll make it all ok and provide the right mix of positivity and improvement.
A: Do you see that girl and how invested she's in what she's doing? She won't even look up.

B: I knooow, such an Isra!
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A girl who loves to read, is incredibly bright, doesn't care about what other people think and is the least judgemental person you know.
She always follows the crowd. I wish she were more of an Asma ..
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