2 definitions by thehouss

The Spiky Condom is a shot of alcohol consisting of Goldschlager, Grenadine, Crown Royal, and Red Bull. The shot must be taken quickly and should NEVER be smelled before consumption. The first and most recognizable ingredient, Goldschlager, is the spikes of the Spiky Condom. It is then followed by the Crown Royal which counteracts the "Big Red" flavor making your taste buds pulsate, all while keeping it classy. The Grenadine was chosen for it's deep red color properties, which of course hints at the consequences of a Spiky Condom (Both literally and figuratively). Lastly, the Red Bull puts everything back into perspective by bringing two of your five senses back for a very short period of time. Your vision and your hearing. Use this time wisely as your clear vision and ability to understand people will disappear as quickly as you took the shot.
Bartender: "What can I get you?"

John: "Gimme a Red Bull Vodka, two Jack and Cokes, and 6 Spiky Condoms."

Bartender: "..."
by thehouss October 15, 2011
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Nicholas: Yo, Arnold's nemisis in True Lies is a scary guy.

Dudley: Yeah bro, he's a scarab.

Nicholas: for suuuuuures
by thehouss October 29, 2011
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