5 definitions by thefancyapple

A person who will act like they like you, but is really just being totally vane and doesn't care about you/your feelings at all. Basically, a major tease, a flirt.
Dude, Scarlett O'Hara is a major leader-onner. She didn't care a thing about her dead husbands.
by thefancyapple August 30, 2009
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Named for the character Stuart Minkus of the television show "Boy Meets World," a minkus is a word to describe a particularly irritating and/or nerdy person.
With her new glasses, Barbara looked like quite a minkus.
by thefancyapple July 14, 2009
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n. Derived from the sexiest literary man ever--Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, the epitome of brooding manliness and the male protagonist of Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice--someone (typically male) who exhibits Mr. Darcy-like qualities (i.e. hotness, taciturnity, excellent penmanship, etc.).

adj. Displaying such Mr. Darcy-like characteristics.
n. What a dreamboat! That guy is SUCH a darcy!

adj. That man is so darcy. Just look at him, standing there, brooding and looking generally displeased with everything. I'd tap that.
by thefancyapple August 30, 2009
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"What was the movie about? I heard it's funny, romantic, and has lots and lots of zombies."

"You are correct--the movie is a zomromcom and it was pure awesomeness."
by thefancyapple July 15, 2009
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An expression similar to "Holy cow!" or "Holy moley!" or "Holey rusted metal, Batman!" that is somewhat-kind-of-not-really derived from/inspired by listening to David Bowie's song "Rebel Rebel" without really paying attention, and mistaking the lyrics "hot tramp" for "hot shrimp."
"Hot shrimp! The test is tomorrow and I haven't studied yet!"

"Hot shrimp! I love you so!"
by thefancyapple August 30, 2009
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