11 definitions by thederby

An extremely stupid and foolish person.
A nit wit is completely clueless and is unable to see solutions to problems that are painfully obvious to even stupid people.
A nit wit is oblivious to how stupid they are.
There was a fly on the glass window and the nit wit used a hammer to try to kill it. He is SUCH a nit wit.
He got pulled over by the cops. The cop said he was doing 50 in a 30 mph zone. He told the cop No I was going 60.
He is such a nit wit.
by thederby July 19, 2019
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a person beyond the pale of respectability. a person devoid of any desirable qualities.
AKA as a low life, beg bug, dirt bag, worm
A degenerate, does not have the words please and thank you in their vocabulary.
A degenerate gets out of a warm bed DOESN'T even take a shower (for days at a time)
and takes a bus (in 10 degree weather) during a Blizzard to go bet on horses with money
that was suppose to be for their kids school books.
by thederby February 16, 2014
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An Italian word.....it means a brutal face, a VERY ugly person usally but not always used to describe a Very unattractive female.
A fachia brute is most always reserved for a person who is not easy on the eyes.

A fachia brute is ugly even to people with standards that aren't very discriminating.

A fachia brute would make you wanna play with yourself rather then have sex with them.
by thederby July 28, 2013
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A memorable and amusing character. A piece of work often but not always is unaware of
how funny their actions in a given situation are.
The guy down the block aims fireworks at his own car he is some piece of work.
Larry showed up at a party with is Asian girl friend being his rickshaw He's some piece of work.
by thederby November 6, 2021
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A person who is a pleasure to be around.
They dont sweat the small stuff.

They tend to laugh easily but not forceably so. They tend not to care about trival matters.
They are most always well adjusted and have no anger issues.
Its Hot and Humid out. A happy go lucky person says this is going to be a great day by the pool.
They dont Bitch about how humid it is.
by thederby September 3, 2019
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a pillow princess is VERY good looking but when you get her in bed she just lays there.
She is sexually lame and most always has not even the slightest vocalization during intercourse.
A pillow princess looks hot but when she is in bed is basically an inanimate object with a pulse.

a pillow princess goes through the motions sorta like a little kid eating something they dont like.
by thederby July 28, 2013
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a girl (most always very attractive) who is sexually frigid.
A pillow princess is the kind of girl who looks great but lays in the bed like dead wood when having sex.
a pillow princess is so inept at sexual acts it is almost impossiable to comprehend who one good look that good and be so lacking in sexual prowess.
by thederby August 24, 2013
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