20 definitions by thebald

The moment immediately after befriending someone on facebook that you don't really feel like talking to.
"Jenny 'Peaches' Smith" has accepted your friend request. - 1 minute ago

*awkward facebook silence*
by thebald January 28, 2011
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When a good movie which has a cast containing Jack Black involves him too much in the movie, subsequently ruining it.
''King Kong was pretty good yeh. Watts and Brody did their part, but to be honest it was a bit Jackblackish sometimes''
by thebald March 31, 2010
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A phenomenon which makes people think you wear a particular item of clothing all the time because you are tagged wearing it a lot.

This is even if the photos were from several separate nights which were months apart but they were the only photos you were tagged in.
I was going to wear that black t-shirt tonight, but i'm wearing it in my recent Facebook photos, so it's a bit Facebook-worn.
by thebald April 6, 2010
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Derived from the term Grand Slam, which involves one team of the 6 nations defeating all others in the competition in one year.

The Scottish Grand Slam involves Scotland defeating England, because this is the only game that truly matters to Scottish fans.
"It's a shame Scotland lost to France, but we're still hopeful of a Scottish Grand Slam."
by thebald March 22, 2010
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scottish text slang for ''yeh yeh, i don't believe you''
Guy 1: Last night i got with 5 chicks

Guy 2: i i mate
by thebald February 11, 2011
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An advertisement which is shown so often that it reduces the chance of you buying the product, through sheer disgust and rage.
With the number of unadvertisements I've seen to buy Rihanna's new single, there's no way 'm getting it now.
by thebald March 12, 2010
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A phrase used to undermine the logic of normal security questions and provide sound explanation for them, simply because Osama Bin Laden is dead.
Person 1: Hey, do you know if i can send matches in the post?

Person 2: ..well, Bin Laden is dead?

Person 1: Oh yeh! Thanks.
by thebald May 5, 2011
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