3 definitions by the mayor

marijuana, pot, grass, reefer.
Let's go smoke some grizzle.
by the mayor August 19, 2003
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1. In MUDD terms (not the jeans, the world), to activate.
2. To poke, prod, or otherwise afflict a person/object, usually with the index finger, to illicit a reaction of some kind. In most cases, one speaks the word aloud while doing so.
Bob frobs Mopsy in the forehead sometimes.
by the mayor October 24, 2003
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one who everyone in the hood turns to when the have a problem, issue, concern, what have you
the mayor usually is smart, and/or has some connections that he can use to help people
the cops been ridin' my ass lately, i think i'ma call the mayor get political on they ass
by the mayor November 16, 2004
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