56 definitions by the kentucky yankee

A big, fine round ass. Most black girls and many white and latina girls are blessed with these anatomical masterpieces. They are as fun to watch and just as fun to grab.
Bubble Butts have the potential to automatically give tens of millions of guys a boner.
by the kentucky yankee November 6, 2005
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Assholes OnLine. This service sucks ass, and I am so glad that I do not have to use it as an ISP.
AOL sucks dick and enjoys screwing its customers over. It likes this a lot.
by the kentucky yankee November 30, 2004
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Any amount of coins including pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters that you find on the sidewalk, the floor, and around benches and vending areas. When enough is collected, one can bring in a considerable revenue from these coins. These small fortunes usually range from $20-$35 in cash once taken to a bank or a CoinStar.
Once, I made $1.33 on loose change in just one day.
by the kentucky yankee November 1, 2005
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1.) N.: A carbonated beverage also referred to as a Coke or Soda.
2.) V.: To talk abusively and insultingly about someone or something.
3.) V.: To shoot someone with a firearm.
4.) N.: A prefix used in the names of certain snack foods.
I ordered some pop to go with my supper.
He kept popping that shit about my hometown so I kicked his ass.
I popped a cap into his ass for being such a jackoff.
Popcorn and Poprocks are great food to eat.
by the kentucky yankee November 30, 2004
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A former white rapper who a few years ago decided to appropriately go more rock with a slight tad of country. He often calls it southern rock, but it isn't. It is "blue-collar" rock mixed with a little hip-hop and occasional country and has a distinct Michigan flavor to it.
Kid Rock not only has made good music, but he is an avid Bush supporter as well. Hell Yeah!
by the kentucky yankee December 7, 2004
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A city of around 315,000 in the southwestern edge of Ohio. It has a massive metropolitan population of over 2.1 million people covering Northern Kentucky and a large amount of southwestern Ohio. It is a very fine city; it is full of musuems, restaurants, shopping areas, sports stadiums, and is home to the World's first skyscrapers outside of Chicago and New York City, of who were first. Home to the Bengals (Pronounced 'BAIN-Guls) NFL Team and the Cincinnati Reds MLB Team, Cincinnati is also the only true conservative/Republican metropolis in the state of Ohio, I'm glad to say.
I love Cincinnati. I love it a lot.
by the kentucky yankee February 5, 2005
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A wonderful city in southwestern Ohio, just across from the great Commonwealth of Kentucky. However, people are slightly odd here. They have extreme obsessions for chili and beanbag toss, which they like to call cornhole. Their sports teams are fairly good as well, especially the Reds.
People there, and even here NKU (my college), can always been heard saying "WHO-DEY!" all the time during football season. It's some Cincinnati thing that has to do with the Bengals, I hear.

The Kentucky Yankee, bringing you numerous definitions for multiple Midwestern cities and other things since August 1, 2004.
by the kentucky yankee September 27, 2005
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