24 definitions by the admiral

pure boiling rage, usually during heated telephone exchanges.

by the admiral November 13, 2003
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1. Crime dog
2. Used to describe a smell like that of a dog.
3. Libby
"I need to take a shower, I'm getting a bit Mcgruff."
by the admiral July 23, 2003
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Group of individuals who are compensated under contract to use methods of persuation and "freedom fighting" tactics to further the clients cause.
Likes include cookies and shopping cart porn.

Dislikes include the French, Clear Channel and tapioca.
Those rotten Suburban Mercenaries have once again foiled our video rental ways with their mystery egg hunt.
by the admiral July 2, 2003
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That boy's got a bit too much Ingredient D in him.
by the admiral July 23, 2003
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