3 definitions by the clam man

the devil's phone number, just call 1800-666 and get hell, (calculator trick 1800-666=1134 appears as "hell" upside-down) also 1800-1134=666. yeah creeps me out too.
I tried calling the devil's phone number 1800-666 but it was busy, hmm. I'll try later.
by the clam man June 25, 2009
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when taco bell is the only thing that sounds good despite the vast selection of fast food restaurants available, so you eat there and regret it 45 minutes later.
I was chaluped at lunch today, I just couldn't stop thinking outside the bun. damnit.. they got me hook line and sinker, now excuse me while I go sink one.
by the clam man June 19, 2009
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The best thing to ever come out of Utah. Contains small pellet sized pasta, cool whip, mandarin oranges, pineapple, mini marshmallows, and a list of other secret ingredients that make it the shiznit. It is associated with hasty bowel movements and slight retardation.
"I went to Utah and all I got was this lousy Karl Malone t-shirt."
"Really? Because I went to Utah and all I got was a huge bowl of that frogeye salad and it put me in a coma."
by the clam man June 26, 2009
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