3 definitions by thdude21619

A fuck-wit is a individual with absolute no wits or intelligence and tries to come off smart when really they are just a fuck wit
.....Dude you don't know shit you're such a fuck-wit
by thdude21619 March 31, 2008
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An inanimate pair of words that are used as filler words or words to describe something. Can also be used on it's own as a single statement, used subjectively. Can also be used singularly as either Gelp or just Gorp.

Also can be Gelped/Gorped / Gelping/Gorping

Created by a moron, for morons.

Can you please gelp gorp the gelp gorp.

Gelping gelp gorp Randy.
by thdude21619 October 2, 2014
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Someone with the crippling addiction of saying puns all day.
<Man1> Looks like Jerry has a case of Witzelsucht...

<Man2> Fucking legend.
by thdude21619 March 9, 2016
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