3 definitions by that_nigga_on_wall_street

shortened version of rule 34, which states that there will always be pornography of something as long as it exists
Jesus Christ what is this r34 bullshit I keep finding
by that_nigga_on_wall_street April 17, 2021
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A derogatory name for a person who violently supports (former) "president" D. Trump
Person 1: *looking at news* God damn them trumpies are at it again
Person 2: what they doin this time
Person 1: destroying random official government buildings
Person 2: aww they did that last week do they ever do anything interesting?
Person 1: naw just the same thing over and over again...
by that_nigga_on_wall_street January 19, 2021
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jimmy got a new pussy a few days ago
he says its really fluffy and that it likes being stroked
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