3 definitions by thatDudeFromBridgewater

When you visit (and typically have a drink) at all 5 Roccos Taverns in Los Angeles CA in one night
Yo bro, I'm down for a crazy weekend, let's crush a Roccos Round-Up this Saturday
by thatDudeFromBridgewater December 23, 2022
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When you pop a boner due to thinking about or discussing physics
Hey dude, when the professor solved that equation for dQ/dT I popped a Bernoulli Boner
by thatDudeFromBridgewater April 10, 2017
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A hicky on a female breast, often refereed to as a boob.
Person 1: I got to second base with Valerie last night and she let me give her a boobicky
Person 2: Woah man thats rad!
by thatDudeFromBridgewater May 20, 2016
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