1 definition by that1br

A girl which words cannot describe. She can be extremely caring and loving, is a good hugger, and loves chocolate. Hours with her will feel like minutes and then when you realize, she's gone. At times she can be very distant, and make you wonder what's going on. She's very capable of ignoring you if she's mad but will eventually come back. All in all, if you get a chance to be with a Selina, seize it. Though it might seem hard at times, really hard, you gotta keep pushing and keep believing (as she will frequently not believe in many things, mainly about herself.) If you do get a chance, tell her how much she means to you, because she really struggles with emotions. She might put on a happy face to hide her feelings, but deep inside she herself doesn't understand what she's feeling. Try your best to guide her in your journey and make her happy!
lucky guy: bros I can't believe it, Selina said yes!!
friends: thats awesome man, i hope you get to be very happy with her!
by that1br March 27, 2023
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