1 definition by tatalala

(Verb) Eczema any part of your skin that looks like rashes and may or may not itch. also, may or may not chop your skin.(Eczema can be easy to take off I know cuz I had. use Toothpaste, Dove soap, Eczema lotion, and vaseline) Eczema can get worse and worse the more you don't use the tips.Eczema Looks like alligator skin, Eczema may and may not come from your family members who has asthma.
1.Doctor: You have a serious case of eczema.

2.Kid: Whats eczema

3.Doctor: A general term that describes inflammation of the skin.

4. Kid: English please?

5.That is English... you know what let me make it easy for you. Coin-shaped rashes or sores. :)

6. Kid: Ohhhh
by tatalala March 27, 2017
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