5 definitions by supersecretidentity

A gerentocratic member of government who has a reptuation for elitism, dishonesty, and possible clandestine backing from the permanent institutions of state and the bureaucracy, the military-industrial complex, or corporate lobbyists, popularly referred to as "the swamp."
I believe in truth and justice as the next guy, but the only way you this bill passed is by letting those swamp turtles water it down in committee and earmark it with pork.
by supersecretidentity May 21, 2022
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Heisenbiguous is a quality of a neutral statement or experience that yields specific meaning only when a person interprets it, and is intended to elicit indirect information about a persons beliefs and preconceptions. Like a double entendre, more dry, and without the nudge or wink. See "quantum entendre"
People freak out about Elon's tweets because he writes them to be heisenbiguous, in that they mean whatever you think they mean. No, literally. He's trolling people who only believe what they want to believe, and that's why they react.
by supersecretidentity May 21, 2022
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The quality of a statement or word usage that is non-committal and ambiguous across multiple interpretations, so as to utterly befog any listener into hearing no repeatable message at all. e.g. As compared to only two vague possibilities in the "ambi-guous" case.
It's a masterly political brush off where there was no way to interpret what he said, but somehow he took up the entire interview with completely non-committal, eigenbiguous statements.
by supersecretidentity May 21, 2022
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Like a double entendre, but suspended in a superstate of multiple ambiguities, or an Eigenbuity.
Q: "What is your most useless skill?"
A: "Kindness."

That's either the most earnest or the most malevolent thing I have ever heard, it could go any way, like some kind of "quantum entendre."
by supersecretidentity May 21, 2022
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When a company charges your credit card, often repeatedly, and after you have set a limit on how much you intended to spend with them, or cancelled the service, based on fine print without notifications.
My boostrapped startup almost got pushed into insolvency because of AWS and Linkedin's scumbag billing policies.
by supersecretidentity December 12, 2020
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