2 definitions by steve stevens

noun> nick name of anyone who first or last name starts with the letter G.
His family knows him as Gary, but everyone at school calls him G-Man.
by steve stevens November 9, 2006
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An equivalent of sugar tits, but applied only to women with suitably large hips. One measure of this might be hip-to-waist ratio, ideal in a ratio of approximately 1.6 : 1. Women exhibiting both this ratio and a golden ratio of hip:breast are said to be "hourglass shaped".

They tend to exhibit a "fine booty" due to this underlying structure.
Bro 1: Hey, you seen Virginia walking down the street lately?

Bro 2: Yeah, I don't know what it is about her illiac crests, but man do I like that walk. Not many girls got that, you know!

Bro 1: Yeah, let me call her over. Hey, sugarhips! Over here!
by steve stevens January 7, 2013
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