1 definition by starman26

A person on roblox who takes the "reject modernity, embrace tradition" too seriously and loves memes and or cosplays as infamous historical figures in history, have a soldier of an country (typically a arab country or a country with a controversial past) or a meme avatar and takes cringe culture too seriously by bullying people who they consider "cringe" (such as furries, emos, etc.) Or act like a bigot and only plays roblox and nothing else and will consider themselves "gigachads" despite their behaviors says otherwise and never do anything outside of roblox

Basically roblox incels, trolls or idiots who would try to troll a person who they consider "cringe" yet act either just as cringeworthy as their target and is chronically online
rojak: eww you spend 200$ on a fursuit? *never looks for a job*

rojak: join the military! *never goes to the military themselves*
by starman26 September 20, 2022
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