1 definition by spermshootersupreme

The german word for 'kicking large amounts of ass.'

Originally coined in 1942 by Julian Karkarov, one of Hitler's own lackeys, it is said that he was describing a nazi party he had attended the night before as being, 'totally fuckin' rosenfeld. It was the most rosenfeld party ive been to in like eight years. Seriously, I got four blowjobs last night, it was awesome.'
'Man, I had a rosenfeld time last night.'
'Dude, that girl? Rosenfeld.'
'I was gonna leave the party, but then i realized without me, they wouldnt have a rosenfeld! So i stayed, and i smoked a bunch of weed and punched some chicks boyfriend in the face. Had a rosenfeld time overall, id say.'
by spermshootersupreme August 5, 2009
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