11 definitions by southwalessniper

a person with a heroin addiction, mainly found lurking in alleys and sewers, they are grey in colour and are of a skelletal build, they are sensitive to sunlight which is why they only come out at night to score or beg or steal, usually wearing long sleeves.
see trainspotting. a film based on smackrats in scotland.
by southwalessniper December 14, 2009
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a person who is paranoid about developing a phobia of paranoia.
1st man: whats up with him?

2nd man: hes a paraphobeanoid!
by southwalessniper November 24, 2009
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1st man: whats all the bangin coming from upstairs?

2nd man: its peter and john their naked bed wrestling the dirty bumlovers!
by southwalessniper December 26, 2009
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bunjee jumping without a cord
one of many suicide sports, free-bunjee is a sport not limited to those of an athletic nature, anybody can partake in the activity of free-bunjee, it requires very little skill and is growing in popularity worldwide.
by southwalessniper December 5, 2009
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an insult wich originates from barry in south wales u.k which is used as an alternative to, fag, queer, faggot, bumlover, poo pirate, fudge packer and so on
1st man: whys that guy looking at me like that?

2nd man: 'cos hes a cockbanger, didnt you know?
by southwalessniper December 6, 2009
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another of many suicide sports, free-base jumping or free-base for short is similar to free-bunjee only the competitors are required to forget their parachutes, the person who hits most obstacles on the way down wins, simples!
Brian Lee Schubert of Alta Loma, Calif., 66, whose parachute failed to deploy, falls to his death in the New River during the Bridge Day base jumping event at the New River Gorge on Saturday, Oct. 21, 2006, in Fayetteville, even though he was wearing a parachute it failed to deploy and technically this counts as a free-jump, minus points for remembering your parachute, plus points for shock value, plus points for unpredictability, minus points for avoiding obstacles on the way down! free-base points 8.5!
by southwalessniper December 5, 2009
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Slap and Thud in one word, the sound a .22 air rifle pellet makes when it hits a pidgeon.
man A: I went hunting today.
man B: You catch anything?
man A: Yeah, i hit a wood pidgeon right in the boiler room, you shouldve heard the SLUD!
by southwalessniper July 10, 2012
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