159 definitions by someone else thats not u

im convinced this crape show of being bad is THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE SHOW, WHY DO I FEEL LIKE THIS? ITS BECUSE CCARTOON NETWORK IS ENTIRELY AWARE THE SHOW IS BAD (bacuse they keep pumping jokes out that say the show is bad) YET THEY STILL MAKE IT BAD WTF
by someone else thats not u February 11, 2021
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nearly all of it is full of 9 year old kids who constantly try to latch on to the latest trend, there is a good side, but we are talking about the TOXIC side. these kids are REALLY sensitive, just saying something about (insert something related to gacha life) and they will act like an war has been started. even if you manage to win they will still try to make you look bad, after this they usually just cry about it. the videos they make are LOW EFFORT, its basically just an slide show of images with low quality people, here are the kinds of videos you will see (WARNING THESE ARE MOSTLY CRINGE AND ARE MADE ONLY FOR THE MONEY) "alpha wolf story", "bisexual love", and the worst of them all, "(insert popular game) reacts to (insert popular game) memes" these are the WORST kind of videos, these kinds of videos just use animations that people who actually made them took a long time to make, and i bet they dont even credit the people who make them, idk i never watched them.
the toxic side of the Gacha Community in a shell NUT
average person: hey (insert Gacha Community 9 year old) you didn't credit my video.
(insert argument because I'm too lazy to make the rest of this lol)
by someone else thats not u April 12, 2021
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the guy from new grounds (cant tell what it is because i never watched it lol) that's in Friday night funkin, the newest and hyped character, he has voice acting (first for cannon fnf) and full cutscenes.
tank man: lol whats this child man doing here
bf: wat
tank man: you would be dead right now but im bored so lets rap battle
bf: ok lol
by someone else thats not u May 27, 2021
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bruh if you really dont know what this is, im concerned for your mental health.
or you could be talking a bout that one sky mod from FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN where shes an actual SIMP for BF (the person you play as) also she can alter reality or something idk, any ways, normal right? sike you thought wrong, shes 12. what does that have to do with anything? r34,wow, just wow, that is ILEGAL i guess?
by someone else thats not u April 12, 2021
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an breed of no lifes, yet much worse. no lifes just..... do things that are crappy, critics, on the other hand are influencers, and they have no talent what so ever, guess what they do? they act just like haters, point things out to an extent, yet haters just do it for the sake of doing it, critics just try to act SMART and use LONG words to state their opinion and make it into a fact. they will often try to target lesser known people (ex: indie devs) since they don't yet have a big fan base, there fore no one can try to call them out or defend them. these are the main reasons for games
like rain world don't get alot of attention.
we all have a critic inside of us, yet critics use it for EVIL
by someone else thats not u March 12, 2021
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do you remember this game? of course you don't, this game died out a few years ago, not even i remember it, the name just popped in my head when making this, and not even the GIFS remember it
riddle school
by someone else thats not u February 8, 2021
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the only tv animated series that conveys a message that people older than 9 will actually care about.
its in all honesty an pretty good animation with characters that aren't used as side props/ gags. its on Netflix and 1 mouth ago it got a new season
hilda: its good ok?
by someone else thats not u January 11, 2021
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