101 definitions by some guy

A person who religiously studies Japanese ure at the expense of all other interests (not to be confused with a person who simply harbors in interest in Japanese ure). Wapanese generally speak only the most commonly used Japanese words in anime, such as "baka". They claim to know how to wield a Japanese sword but obviously don't, claim to know Japanese but don't, are not accepted by the Japanese simply because it is so plainly obvious that they don't know what the hell they're doing, and seriously of Some Guy because they make him look bad since he likes Japanese ure but is in fact not Wapanese. Wapanese are indeed often pale, either extremely large or extremely thin, and make terrible, terrible, fandubs. Curse you, Wapanese people. Curse you.
Some Guy is not Wapanese because he actually knows what he's talking about and gets some sun and exercise regularly
by some guy September 28, 2003
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The most common form of information on the internet.
That company has a new web site.
by some guy July 15, 2003
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To Shoot a weapon at an object thats traveling in mid air and get a hit.

acronym: MA
i just Mid Aired SPAMKillerBee!
by some guy November 20, 2002
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Someone who busts caps in da DJs
Mi ar de murderah, mi kill up any DJ by de gun. Hear me, mi is da murderah, mi kill up all di DJ but di gunner.
by some guy February 19, 2004
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A vomit-worthy radio station in NYC that makes all the trendies jump for joy. This includes 'hotties' , 'jocks' and 'glam-hoes'. They have even been mislead enough to think that KTU plays underground music. Very sad indeed. Also another way of saying a certain music is bad.
"Ew! omfg! this shit is so KTU!! *throws it in the trash*"

"LOL @ that KTU garbage! All the trendies have the nerve to jump to this bullshit!?"
by some guy June 7, 2003
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Term used to describe those people with a short torso and long legs. Walking triangles are known for their short temper and often non-sensical anecdotes. Walking triangles are very dangerous and should be handled with care.
Hey did you see that walking triangle? Whoa, stay back I heard they are dangerous.
by some guy February 26, 2005
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