2 definitions by sodabot

a : the act of going, walking, traveling, or what pedestrians perform on foot
b : of, relating to, or designed for walking as a pedestrian

Root word:

Latin pedestr-, pedester, literally, going on foot, from ped-, pes foot
First known use: 1716
Gerard yelled at his girlfriend as his flip flops slapped the sidewalk while he continued to pedestriate on the streets of downtown Richmont.

walk travel on feet
by sodabot April 4, 2016
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a : the act of going, walking, traveling, or what pedestrians perform on foot
b : of, relating to, or designed for walking as a pedestrian

Root word:

Latin pedestr-, pedester, literally, going on foot, from ped-, pes foot
First known use: 1716
Gerard yelled at his girlfriend as his flip flops slapped the sidewalk while he continued to pedestriate on the streets of downtown Richmont.

walk travel on feet
by sodabot April 4, 2016
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