1 definition by societymongerer

noun- a term referring to any sort of TV show, movie, or event in which the jokes, plotline, presenters or actors themselves are cheesy. cheesy as in corny, stupid, or even cringe-inducingly unfunny.

boyfriends often have to endure many Cheesefests at the hands of their needy, idiotic girlfriends. every guy has a breaking point at the number of Cheesefests he can withstand.

the guys who get laid the most are practically immune to them, hence their waxy appearance and glazed eyes.
Boy: so where do you want to go tonight for our second date?
Girl: ooo a new romantic comedy with anne hathaway is out! or maybe that disney one with miley cyrus and ashley tisdale!

Boy: *cringes* not another Cheesefest!
by societymongerer July 23, 2009
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